Neuro-Performance ProfileStockland Get your Neuro-Performance Profile This 9 question diagnostic will gauge your Neuro-Performance Profile and will pinpoint the pillars of powered performance you may need to address. Are your habits in congruence or conflict with your brain and body? How powered up are you? Please wait... 1. I take regular, short breaks (2-10 minutes in duration) a couple of times throughout my day.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 1 of 9 2. I have difficulties falling or staying asleep.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 2 of 9 3. I break up long periods of sitting with regular bursts of movement.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 3 of 9 4. I wake up feeling recharged and energised.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 4 of 9 5. I have time to be idle with my thoughts and opportunities to daydream each week.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 5 of 9 6. I feel that too many demands are being made on me.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 6 of 9 7. I’m easily distracted.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 7 of 9 8. My phone is near my laptop/desktop when I work.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 8 of 9 9. I’m able to handle stress.NeverOccasionallySometimesMost of the TimeAlwaysQuestion 9 of 9 Loading...